We've created tables and we know how to inspect their metadata; now let's give them data. From the previous chapter, you should have the example records available to after including them:
lfe> (include-file "examples/tables.lfe")
Department Data
With those present (and the macros automatically created for us when those records were included), let's create a list of departments:
(set depts
(make-department id 'B/SF name "Open Telecom Platform")
(make-department id 'B/SFP name "OTP - Product Development")
(make-department id 'B/SFR name "Computer Science Laboratory")))
And then we can insert this data with the following:
lfe> (mnta-qry:insert depts)
To see everything we just inserted, we can use a moneta convenience function:
lfe> (set `#(atomic ,results) (mnta-qry:select-all 'department))
These results are department records, so we can iterate over them and use their record macros. For example:
lfe> (lists:map (lambda (r) (department-name r)) results)
which gives:
("Open Telecom Platform"
"OTP - Product Development"
"Computer Science Laboratory")
Project Data
We can repeat this process for the following projects:
(set projs
(make-project name 'erlang number 1)
(make-project name 'otp number 2)
(make-project name 'beam number 3)
(make-project name 'mnesia number 5)
(make-project name 'wolf number 6)
(make-project name 'documentation number 7)
(make-project name 'www number 8)))
lfe> (mnta-qry:insert projs)
lfe> (mnta-qry:select-all 'project)
(#(project wolf 6)
#(project erlang 1)
#(project beam 3)
#(project otp 2)
#(project documentation 7)
#(project www 8)
#(project mnesia 5)))
Next we'll explore the relational aspect of our data. First, let's create some employee records:
(set empls
(make-employee id 1 name "Johnson Torbjorn" department-id 'B/SF
projects '(otp))
(make-employee id 2 name "Carlsson Tuula" department-id 'B/SF
projects '(otp))
(make-employee id 3 name "Dacker Bjarne" department-id 'B/SFR
projects '(otp))
(make-employee id 4 name "Nilsson Hans" department-id 'B/SFR
projects '(mnesia otp))
(make-employee id 5 name "Tornkvist Torbjorn" department-id 'B/SFR
projects '(otp wolf))
(make-employee id 6 name "Fedoriw Anna" department-id 'B/SFR
projects '(documentation otp))
(make-employee id 7 name "Mattsson Hakan" department-id 'B/SFR
projects '(mnesia otp))))
Since we have relationships with other tables, we'll need to create a custom insert for employee records:
(defun add-projects
((_ '())
((emp-id `(,proj . ,tail))
(mnesia:write (make-in-project employee-id emp-id project-name proj))
(add-projects emp-id tail)))
(defun insert-employees
((`(,(= (match-employee id id department-id dept-id projects projs) record) . ,tail))
(lambda ()
(mnesia:write record)
(mnesia:write (make-in-department employee-id id department-id dept-id))
(add-projects id projs)))
(insert-employees tail)))
We can then insert the employee data and create all the relations with this:
lfe> (insert-employees empls)
And then use what we did before to check the inserts:
lfe> (mnta-qry:select-all 'employee)
lfe> (mnta-qry:select-all 'in-department)
lfe> (mnta-qry:select-all 'in-project)
Finally, we'll round out the relationships with employee managers, starting with the list of records:
(set mgrs
(make-manager employee-id 1 department-id 'B/SF)
(make-manager employee-id 1 department-id 'B/SFP)
(make-manager employee-id 3 department-id 'B/SFR)))
Now for the insert:
lfe> (mnta-qry:insert mgrs)
With the data in place, we're ready to dive into querying it ...